Ceiling fan stopped working then started again? There are several possible reasons including a temporary power cut or loose wiring inside the fan, wall switch or circuit breaker. This post will go into each of these reasons and provide some basic fault-finding information so you can work out what you should do next (if you need to do anything at all).

    Ceiling Fan Stopped Working Then Started Again? – Reason #1

    Check Circuit Breakers

    First, you should check if someone else in the house has turned off and reset any circuit breakers. 

    Someone else could have tripped a circuit breaker and reset it. 

    Doing this would have caused the ceiling fan to stop working when the circuit breaker tripped and start again when it was reset. Although probably unlikely, it’s worth making sure someone else hasn’t been toying with circuit breakers before calling the electrician.

    Ceiling Fan Stopped Working Then Started Again? – Reason #2

    Temporary Power Cut

    A temporary power cut could be why the ceiling fan stopped working then started again. 

    Temporary power cuts can be a result of many things such as the power lines company doing maintenance on the network. 

    If you suspect this might be the reason, check the lines company website for a map of current and planned power outages. 

    The next three reasons relate to loose wiring. Here are the three places to check for loose, or potentially broken wires.

    Ceiling Fan Stopped Working Then Started Again? – Reason #3

    Loose Wiring At The Fan

    ceiling fan stopped working then started again example

    Loose wiring could be why the ceiling fan stopped working and started again. 

    Ceiling fans create a small amount of vibration when they are operating normally. 

    If the wires at the fan haven’t been connected with the right tension they can either loosen off or break over a period of time. Loose wiring at the fan can eventually lead to the fan not working at all. Vibration is why the ceiling fan is the most likely place to find loose wires. It’s not the only place to find loose wires. There might also be loose wires at the wall switch.

    Ceiling Fan Stopped Working Then Started Again? – Reason #4

    Loose Wiring At The Wall Switch

    Loose (or broken) wires at the wall switch can be caused by improper installation as well as damage due to rodents in the wall cavity. Loose wiring at the wall switch can eventually lead to other problems such as tripping circuit breakers. To fix loose wiring at the switch you must shut off power to the circuit, test the circuit, then ensure the wires are properly connected with the right tension. 

    It’s also a good idea to check the general condition of the switch in case it needs to be replaced.

    Ceiling Fan Stopped Working Then Started Again? – Reason #5

    Loose Wiring At The Circuit Breaker

    Finally, loose wiring at the circuit breaker could be why the ceiling fan stopped working then started again.

    A registered electrician can check the wires coming into the circuit breaker and make sure that they have been tensioned properly.


    Ceiling fan stopped working then started again? First, check that no one in the house has tripped and reset any circuit breakers. Next, check your local power lines company website for planned and unplanned power outages in your area. 

    If these haven’t fixed your problem then you might need to contact an electrician to find loose or broken wires either at the ceiling fan, wall switch, or circuit breaker. 

    Next Steps

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