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    A surge protector is an electrical device designed to protect circuits and appliances from the damage caused by high voltages.

    High voltages can be caused by lightning or issues with the incoming power feed.

    A surge protector is a useful device if you experience power outages or your home is being run by a generator. 

    A surge protector is typically found in the switchboard and consists of a circuit breaker sized device that contains a variable resistor. This resistor redirects the supply to your earthing system when an unstable high voltage is detected thereby protecting your appliances.

    You can also buy surge protectors which are inbuilt into multi boards and plugs. These surge protectors will only protect the device that it is plugged into.

    Once a surge protector has operated it will give a ‘red’ indicator meaning that it needs to be replaced.

    surge protector in switchboard
    A surge protector with a ‘green’ indicator barely visible. Green means it is in good working order.
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